Two former Tory ministers, Ben Wallace and James Heappey, want us to do more to prepare for world war. They join a growing clamour internationally as the failed strategy of the imperialists only makes them double down on the need for more weapons to fight ‘enemies’ who only a few years ago were their friends.
Donald Tusk, the Polish prime minister, declares that we are in a ‘pre-war era’, echoing a similar phrase from Tory minister Grant Shapps only a few months ago. The German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, is considering introducing national service or conscription. Tory MPs are urging the same course of action here. Demands to increase arms spending grow.
The root of their concerns is the dire international situation that they have created. The ‘war on terror’ legacy is one of defeat for western powers, destruction of whole countries, the growth of Iran as a major regional power, and the Israel war. While China and Russia supported the US over Afghanistan, that support has now turned to opposition internationally, with a new cold war looking increasingly hot, and a global arms race.
The Ukraine war, which is a proxy between Nato and Russia, is going very badly. Ukraine is suffering terribly, with huge casualties on both sides. President Zelensky signed off laws last week to lower the age of conscription and to get those who previously did not qualify for military service to have to be reconsidered. This reflects the lack of enthusiasm for a war where many are being killed or injured with no end in sight of the trench warfare which characterises it.
The justification for more arms spending and conscription comes from the supposed threat of Russia. But Putin’s armies have gained very little ground – a matter of a few kilometres – in the last year and cannot even conquer Ukraine, let alone invade Britain or another Nato state. Preparing for war when the US already has much greater military power than its next four rivals put together only does one thing – it makes war more likely.
It is also fuelling an arms race which is benefiting the shareholders of the big arms companies, and which is making the world more dangerous. As ‘dumb bombs’ and F16s have been poured into Israel, so tanks and ammunition are sent in record numbers to Ukraine. Those on the left who call for ‘arming Ukraine’ are doing a grave disservice to the people of Ukraine and Russia. Only a ceasefire and settlement can stop the horror of this war.
The double standards are glaring. Putin cutting off water and electricity to Ukrainians was immediately denounced as a war crime, whereas Starmer and Sunak justified it over Gaza. The west has supplied limitless weapons to the attacker in Gaza, not to those under threat.
With the western powers pursuing their cold war with China, there are talks to try to bring major military power Japan into the AUKUS pact. Rosa Luxemburg described the choice facing humanity as socialism or barbarism. The barbarism is already beginning – and opposing war also raises the need for socialism as its alternative.