We are sorry to report the untimely death of Rebecca (Becky) Nettleship on July 23 aged 32. 

Through all of her life Becky engaged with the movements of young people to fight for a better future, and strove for a world where peace prevails. She worked with us in the Stop the War Coalition for a while nationally in her younger days, and then worked with Durham Stop the War in its early founding days of 2017/18 when she was at Durham University.
In the last ten years she embarked on the pursuit of a scientific career and, against all the odds, got a Master’s degree at Durham University in theoretical physics. From being a talented dancer in her youth she was then on the road to becoming a talented data scientist when she moved to London in 2018.
Only weeks before she died, Rebecca took part in a large demonstration in London when Stop the War, together with people around the world, were demanding justice for the Palestinian people.
Our best wishes and condolences go out to the family, comrades and friends of Becky. We also thank them for the generous donation of £800 to Stop the War as part of the donations made by family, comrades and friends at her funeral.
08 Sep 2021

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