Neoliberalism has brought with it an unprecedented level of militarism and war

Stop the War Coalition


The Stop the War Coalition sends its solidarity to those protesting in Hamburg this weekend. The G20 leaders are meeting there to discuss further austerity and war. This at a time when Western interventions are already risking dangerous confrontations in the Middle East, Korea and elsewhere.

The G20 refuse to spend money on helping the poorest in society and have presided over record levels of inequality, with the rich growing ever more rich. Their summit has been protected by an authoritarian police presence, which is using tear gas, pepper spray and truncheons to attack the demonstrators and to suppress democratic dissent.

We support the aims of the demonstrators in wanting a more equal and more peaceful world, and we believe that they represent the vast majority of people. They should not be attacked and criminalised by the police but should be allowed to demonstrate against a gathering of world leaders who have so singularly failed to address the major problems facing us today.

Neoliberalism has brought with it an unprecedented level of militarism and war. We will continue to protest over these policies and demand that the vast sums of money spent on them by the richest countries in the world be spent instead on health, education and alleviating poverty.

07 Jul 2017

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