Motion on the War on Terror and Stop the War’s National Tour

This branch notes:

• That the ‘War on Terror’ across the Middle East and beyond has been a disaster, leading to over a million deaths, a catastrophic humanitarian situation, the break-down of civil society and a sharp increase in insecurity which have been the main causes of the ongoing refugee crisis.

• That these wars have resulted not in the reduction of terrorism but in the expansion and perpetuation of terrorist organisation and activity across the region and beyond.

• That this government continues to pursue foreign adventures and the “special relationship” with the US government which needs to be broken.

• Stop the War Coalition has helped to maintain a mass campaigning anti-war voice in Britain, and has the support of a wide range of organisations including the majority of major trade unions.

•Stop the War Coalition is organising a national tour of rallies around the theme “why we need an anti-war government”.

This branch believes:

  • That, instead of cutting welfare, the government should stop spending tens of billions of pounds on wars and interventions which do not make us safe, and should cut spending on weapons and war.
  • That we need a new foreign policy that ends the string of foreign interventions and is based on diplomacy and cooperation instead of confrontation.
  • That the government’s invitation to Donald Trump should be rescinded.

This branch resolves:

  • To affiliate to Stop the War Coalition.
  • To support Stop the War’s “Why we need an anti-war government” national tour meeting that is taking place in the local area.
  • To publicise the meeting to our members.

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10 Jan 2018

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