Lindsey German speaking at the protest outside the Polish embassy opposing the horrific treatment of refugees on the Poland-Belarus border – 20/11/21

‘No to NATO, No to Fortress Europe’ was one of the chants on Saturday’s protest against the barbaric treatment of refugees on the Belarus/Poland border. The protest took place outside the Polish embassy in central London, but as speaker after speaker made clear, Britain is heavily implicated in the appalling events unfolding there.

In the last few days the Tories have actually sent more troops to help strengthen Poland’s border defences. Many of the desperate refugees are fleeing Iraq, still reeling from the after effects of the Western invasion and occupation only to confront a military-backed campaign to keep them out of Europe. The border tension has been exacerbated by NATO’s confrontational stance towards Russia. The protest demanded that the EU ends it disgraceful treatment of people searching for safety and security and welcomes the refugees. See Lindsey German’s speech below 👇👇

22 Nov 2021 by Lindsey German

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