Hodges’ false allegation that Stop the War was funded by the Kremlin was made on George Galloway’s Talk Radio show two weeks ago

Stop the War Coalition



Daily Mail columnist Dan Hodges has apologised for a scurrilous claim he made on air that Stop the War had received money from the Kremlin.

This false allegation was made in an interview on George Galloway’s Talk Radio show two weeks ago. Hodges claimed a Sunday Times article from 2016 backed up this allegation.

The Sunday Times article contains a number of unsubstantiated claims about Stop the War but Hodges, after being challenged by Stop the War, has had to publicly admit that even this article, inaccurate though it is, doesn’t suggest that Stop the War has ever received any money from the Russian government.

This kind of fake news is being used more and more by the pro-war lobby to try and undermine organisations and individuals who oppose the foreign wars that successive governments have dragged us into.

The idea that people who oppose this disastrous cycle of wars are in the pay of a foreign government is the most childish of slurs. That it came from a columnist in a major national newspaper underlines the fact that particularly on questions of war and peace we need to be on guard against the increasing level of propaganda in the mainstream media.

09 Apr 2018

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